
Bacteria does a body good?

People mistakenly thought that bacteria are always harmful to one’s health. Throughout the years, the idea of good and bad bacteria has cleared out this misconception and introduced the benefits of having the right balance between the two. Studies show that the right balance in the body is composed of 85% good bacteria and 15% bad bacteria. This simply means that more good bacteria should be available to eliminate extra bad bacteria, especially when infection occurs. 

The best and most popular good bacteria are probiotics. Probiotics are live microorganisms naturally residing in and on the body. They are beneficial for everyone’s health, mainly in the digestive system. When these good bacteria get flushed out of the system, eating probiotic food or taking probiotic supplements can fix the equilibrium. 

There are two common types of probiotics found in food items: lactobacillus and bifidobacterium. Lactobacillus is a friendly type of bacteria found in yogurt, other fermented food, and supplements. Different strains probiotics help alleviate different health problems. Lactobacillus acidophilus benefits the body in many ways including preventing diarrhea, reducing cholesterol, promoting weight loss, and many more. On the other hand, lactobacillus bulgaricus can have a positive effect on people with liver disease, common cold, and inflammatory bowel disease. The probiotic bifidobacterium is also a good kind of bacteria that can be found in dairy products. It helps ease gut problems and has shown positive effects on illnesses. Bifidobacterium bifidum has recently gained attention for its ability to restore intestinal bacteria after chemotherapy and treat constipation, lung infection, and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) among others. Another kind of bifidobacterium is the multifunctional probiotic bifidobacterium longum. Apart from easing gastrointestinal diseases, studies also show that it can improve immune dysfunction. 

Probiotics are essential in keeping bad bacteria and germs at bay. They are proven to aid digest food, get rid of diseases, and produce vitamins. In cases that food sources mentioned above are unavailable, probiotic supplements are the best alternative to easily and quickly acquire its benefits. 

Supplementing with probiotics is a great way to enhance all the benefits of healthy bacteria in the gut. I highly recommend finding a quality probiotic & adding this to your daily supplemental routine.


The Miracle That Is Omega 3 Fatty Acid

In the recommendation of the World Health Organization (WHO), people should eat 1-2 servings of fish per week to avoid the risks of heart disease and ischaemic stroke. This should provide 200-500 mg of the main omega-3s namely eicosapentaenoic and docosahexaenoic acid. Unfortunately, not everyone can monitor their fatty fish intake to acquire its many benefits. That is the reason why fish oil (fat extracted from fish tissue) has been a successful supplement in providing nutrients, especially omega-3 fatty acids.

The omega-3 fatty acid is an essential fat that the human body cannot produce on its own except through food intake or supplements. It is important in cell membranes, mainly in the functions of the cell receptors, which initiate the physiological response. It also regulates blood clotting, contraction and relaxation of artery walls, and inflammation.

According to the Department of Health (DOH), the leading cause of death in the Philippines is ischaemic heart disease caused by the narrowing of arteries. Furthermore, among the top leading causes of death is other kinds of heart diseases. Omega-3 plays a huge role in everyone’s heart health by reducing inflammation in the body that can damage blood vessels causing heart diseases. It also helps to avoid potentially fatal erratic heartbeat rhythm. Apart from that, omega-3 lowers triglycerides, which is when found high, becomes a sign of increased risks of heart diseases.

Omega-3 also works wonders for the eyes. Docosahexaenoic acid, a type of omega-3, is a main component in the retina. Without it, the eyes may suffer from different vision problems. According to Dr. Ann Bajart of Harvard Medical School, “DHA will not reverse retinal damage, it may help preserve vision, and relieve dry eye and chronic inflammation of the eyelids.”

The benefits of omega-3 are not only applicable to adults and older people. Omega-3 may be even more advantageous during early life. According to ​​, “Studies show that getting enough omega-3s during your first year of life is linked to a reduced risk of many autoimmune diseases, including type 1 diabetes, autoimmune diabetes, and multiple sclerosis.” Omega-3 in children and young adults even decreases their chances of having asthma.

Omega-3 proves to be essential for optimal health. Other benefits include improving mental disorders, preventing cancer, and increasing the quality of sleep. To help you get enough it, fish oil supplements can make sure that you do not miss WHO’s recommended amount of omega-3.

The #1 supplement recommendation for me is hands down Omega 3 Fatty. This is a must have for every family. The benefits mentioned above cover all bases when it comes to your health & wellness. The key, like with all supplements is finding a quality legit fish oil.


Are you taking ‘quality’ Vitamin C supplements?

Vitamin C is an essential vitamin for keeping cells in the body healthy. It is popular for boosting the immune system by hyping up the number of white blood cells fighting against infection. It is also effective in making wounds heal faster.

There are many other benefits Vitamin C has to offer. Also known as ascorbic acid, the organic compound acts as an antioxidant agent that fights free radicals. According to ​​, studies also found that taking Vitamin C can shorten the course of a common cold. It can also help in the absorption of iron in the body.

However, the human body cannot produce Vitamin C on its own, and it cannot be stored either. Vitamin C can be obtained regularly through diet and supplements. The water-soluble vitamin can be found in fruits and vegetables like lemons, kiwis, guavas, chili peppers, parsley, and broccoli. To reach the ideal amount of Vitamin C the body needs, it is important to take Vitamin C supplements daily.

Vitamin C supplements are the most successful products in the supplement industry. Because of that, the market is saturated with a lot of Vitamin C products, which can be overwhelming and sometimes confusing for the public.

Consumers need to be careful about picking the right Vitamin C supplement. Just because others say that they have the same content for a fraction of the price, does not mean the quality is not compromised.

Integrative Health Coach John O’Connor recommends checking if the supplement company of the product has control over the manufacturing process. He also warns people that most Vitamin C is made in China, which makes it a quality issue. “If raw materials are responsibly soured, documentation of these sources should be easy to obtain and unless it is absolutely necessary, don’t buy products with China-sourced raw materials. Like most other industries, the notion “you get what you pay for” holds true to the supplement industry,” O’Connor wrote in​.

Health should not be put to risk just for a cheaper price. Taking care of oneself can be challenging especially during a pandemic, but knowing the right information can give you peace of mind. In picking the right Vitamin C supplement, everyone has to always consider its quality and the credibility of its company because not all supplements are the same.

Like the title says, quality over quantity. This is absolutely vital when deciding which supplements to take. Yes you can buy supplements dirt cheap & that’s exactly what you’re likely taking, dirt. As a health & wellness advocate it my duty to report & explain this very important detail regarding Vitamins & Supplements. I take your health very seriously, please comment below your thoughts on this topic.


How Vitamin D protects you from COVID-19

Humans need different kinds of vitamins to sustain a healthy life. While your body only requires tiny amounts of them, failure to get these vitamins can attract diseases. One of the vitamins that serve a significant role, not only in strengthening bones but also in bolstering the immune
system, is Vitamin D.

During the pandemic, people are advised to boost their immune systems to fight COVID-19. Thus, being low on Vitamin D can increase the risks of acquiring the virus. Researchers around the world have linked Vitamin D deficit patients to their susceptibility to the coronavirus disease. In a study done by researchers of Ticino in Switzerland, they revealed, “The most vulnerable group of population for COVID–19 is also the one that has the most deficit in Vitamin D.”

The human body can produce Vitamin D from sun exposure, however, the lockdown has prohibited people from going out. This means sun exposure has become minimal for everyone. Fortunately, some food and supplements help in providing a sufficient dose of the nutrient.

The US Institute of Medicine suggests 400–800 IU of Vitamin D for 97.5% of individuals daily. A big source of Vitamin D comes from fish including salmon, herring, and sardines. The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Food Composition Database suggests that 3.5 ounces of farmed salmon can already provide 525 IU of Vitamin D. Fresh herring can provide 216 IU while sardines can provide 177 IU.

Other kinds of food that also provide Vitamin D are egg yolks, mushrooms, and fortified food.

Researchers of Ticino also believe that Vitamin D supplementation can protect people against COVID-19 infection. There are different kinds of supplements like chewable tablets, liquids, and sprays. People can choose their supplements according to their preferences and medical needs.

It is necessary to look after your health, especially with the dangers of COVID-19. Although it is a challenge to avoid sickness in the time of a pandemic, boosting your immune system through Vitamin D intake can definitely safeguard you against different diseases.

As a health & wellness expert it is my duty to share this valuable information. Every small step helps in creating a strong immune system so your body can defeat pesky invaders like virus & bacteria. Getting enough Vitamin D is a crucial step 1st step in that process.