
What’s the deal with Vitamin Infusion?

To maintain a healthy body, people need exposure to the sun, get enough fresh air, and have a good amount of sleep. Other vitamins and nutrients can also be obtained naturally through diet. However, many people still experience difficulty in maintaining themselves with the basics. That is why supplements are beneficial in restoring used nutrients in the body.

There are two ways to receive supplements. First is by taking tablets, pills, or capsules orally. While it is the most common way, the absorption takes time as the supplements initially pass through the digestive system. For personalized dosage and faster results, vitamin infusion plays an integral part. This procedure allows the body to absorb vitamins and nutrients intravenously (IV), which means that a mixture of the solution is injected directly into the bloodstream. Unlike taking supplements orally, vitamin infusion gives 100% absorption of the vitamins and minerals.

Vitamin infusion has started as early as the 70s. The first mixture of vitamins B and C, plus calcium and magnesium was given by John Myers, MD for boosting energy and immunity. Today, vitamin infusion is widely popular for its long list of benefits. Some of these infusions are anti-aging, immunity booster, energy booster, NAD+, skin brightening, and slimming therapy. They consist of different dosages and contents of vitamins and minerals, depending on what each body needs.

Here are some of the key ingredients per type of infusion:

Anti-aging – ​contains collagen, glutathione, and CoQ10. As people grow older, the production of collagen in the body lessens, causing wrinkles and dryness. With the help of the anti-aging shot, collagen is being restored in the body to keep the skin healthy and glowing. Glutathione, on the other hand, acts as the master antioxidant that eliminates free radicals in the body. Lastly, another antioxidant CoQ10 not only helps in skin restoration but is also proven to be beneficial for people with migraines, low sperm count, cancer, gum disease, and many more.

Immunity Booster –​ contains high doses of glutathione and Vitamin C. Glutathione has proven its many benefits not only on the skin. It also contributes to boosting the immune system by increasing the number of lymphocytes in the body. Apart from glutathione, immunity booster shots come with Vitamin C, which helps in the production of antibodies responsible for searching and destroying the body’s foreign invaders. Lastly Zinc & Selenium which aids cellular detoxification & assists the body’s Immune Function.

Slimming – ​contains carnitine and Thioctic acid. Carnitine plays an important role in energy production by burning fatty acids to produce energy. Slimming therapy combines carnitine with another powerful antioxidant Thioctic acid that increases the levels of glutathione and reactive oxidants in the body.

Skin brightening – ​contains glutathione and alpha-lipoic acid. As an antioxidant, glutathione cleanses the skin and gets rid of its impurities resulting in a brighter complexion. Another effective ingredient in skin brightening shot is the alpha-lipoic acid, which stops the damage in the cells and helps restore vitamins E and C.

Popular celebrities have been openly disclosing their vitamin infusion experiences through social media and interviews. Among them are Justin Bieber, Ariana Grande, Rihanna, Adele, and Simon Cowell. Many of these personalities undergo vitamin infusion because of their busy schedules and energy-draining performances. With vitamin infusion, big stars not only maintain their healthy skin, but they can also easily and quickly keep up with the lost vitamins and minerals.

If you think you do not get enough vitamins and minerals because of work, recent sickness, or even stress, vitamin infusion is definitely for you. People who are unable to properly digest food are highly advised to undergo vitamin infusion as well. Other benefits also include alleviating symptoms of medical conditions such as migraine, chronic pain, Parkinson’s disease, and many more. Just always remember to consult your trusted doctor and have it administered by professionals.

As a health & wellness expert, I have made it my life’s mission to educate the masses on the most powerful ways to improve one’s health. Vitamin infusion is simply amazing & a must for anyone trying to maintain their peak performance. I highly recommend it.


Are you taking ‘quality’ Vitamin C supplements?

Vitamin C is an essential vitamin for keeping cells in the body healthy. It is popular for boosting the immune system by hyping up the number of white blood cells fighting against infection. It is also effective in making wounds heal faster.

There are many other benefits Vitamin C has to offer. Also known as ascorbic acid, the organic compound acts as an antioxidant agent that fights free radicals. According to ​​, studies also found that taking Vitamin C can shorten the course of a common cold. It can also help in the absorption of iron in the body.

However, the human body cannot produce Vitamin C on its own, and it cannot be stored either. Vitamin C can be obtained regularly through diet and supplements. The water-soluble vitamin can be found in fruits and vegetables like lemons, kiwis, guavas, chili peppers, parsley, and broccoli. To reach the ideal amount of Vitamin C the body needs, it is important to take Vitamin C supplements daily.

Vitamin C supplements are the most successful products in the supplement industry. Because of that, the market is saturated with a lot of Vitamin C products, which can be overwhelming and sometimes confusing for the public.

Consumers need to be careful about picking the right Vitamin C supplement. Just because others say that they have the same content for a fraction of the price, does not mean the quality is not compromised.

Integrative Health Coach John O’Connor recommends checking if the supplement company of the product has control over the manufacturing process. He also warns people that most Vitamin C is made in China, which makes it a quality issue. “If raw materials are responsibly soured, documentation of these sources should be easy to obtain and unless it is absolutely necessary, don’t buy products with China-sourced raw materials. Like most other industries, the notion “you get what you pay for” holds true to the supplement industry,” O’Connor wrote in​.

Health should not be put to risk just for a cheaper price. Taking care of oneself can be challenging especially during a pandemic, but knowing the right information can give you peace of mind. In picking the right Vitamin C supplement, everyone has to always consider its quality and the credibility of its company because not all supplements are the same.

Like the title says, quality over quantity. This is absolutely vital when deciding which supplements to take. Yes you can buy supplements dirt cheap & that’s exactly what you’re likely taking, dirt. As a health & wellness advocate it my duty to report & explain this very important detail regarding Vitamins & Supplements. I take your health very seriously, please comment below your thoughts on this topic.