
Keto Diet: Is it good for you?

Since 2016, the curiosity of people about ketogenic diet has been evident through different media platforms including Google Trends. Hundreds of Facebook pages about ketogenic diet are also available for anyone. Even celebrities have a huge contribution in disseminating information about its wonders. The now popular diet is often associated with ways how people can lose weight, but its effectiveness is often challenged by other health experts.

Does the ketogenic diet really work? Is it safe?

The human body needs food as its main source of energy to work on its daily activities. It uses the glucose from carbohydrate foods like rice, fruits, starchy vegetables, and more. In times when the body lacks intake of these foods, it burns fats as substitute and produces molecules called ketones. The process is called ketosis.

In the medical field, ketogenic diet or keto diet is initially for treatment of children with epilepsy, as it has been found to lessen the occurrence of seizures. Keto diet aims to use high-protein and high fat foods instead of carbohydrates as the body’s source of energy. However, it attracted more people when mainstream media widely considered it as a weight loss regimen. In order to make it work for people who want to lose weight, the Standard Ketogenic Diet (SKD) suggests 70-75% fat, 20% protein and 5-10% carbs. Among the biggest keto myths is that it has totally zero carbs. On the contrary, keto diet still has carbs, but sugar and starches are replaced with low glycemic carbs coming from vegetables. Carbohydrates are really effective in making anyone gain weight, hence cutting them from your diet can really make the difference.

Keto diet is a strict low-carb diet. It is important that people who want to try it know the right food to jumpstart their journey. These foods include high-fat meats, fish, oils, nuts, high-fat dairy, and low-carb vegetables. Among the foods you need to avoid are bread, pasta, rice, and most conventional baked goods. The best drinks to pair your diet with are water and unsweetened coffee or tea.

Despite its many benefits, keto diet is still not advisable to everyone, especially to diabetics and other people who have management problems with blood sugar. People with kidney problems are also discouraged from following the diet.

As a health & wellness expert I believe knowledge gives you options. The more you know about diet & nutrition the more you can experiment with your food. I’m not a huge fan of diets like this as they are not sustainable. I believe in becoming educated about nutrition & applying that knowledge to your life. I believe in balance, & stick with the 90/10 rule. I eat healthy 90% of the time.


How does chiropractic boost the immune system?

When the immune system is active, the human body gets to repair damage, fight infection, and prevent cancer cells. It is directly connected to the nervous system, which guides the immune system cells to where the damaged or infected area is. Failure of the nervous system to respond correctly to a damaged or infected area may result in autoimmune diseases or conditions in which the immune system can no longer differentiate the body’s own cells from foreign cells.

One of the reasons why the nervous system experiences malfunction is because of obstructions such as structural shifts in the spine and compression of nerve pathways. Freeing the nervous system from these obstructions allows the body to respond effectively. The best way to do that is through chiropractic. Chiropractic aims to remove interferences in the nervous system through spinal manipulation that not only boosts the immune system but also improves overall health.

Chiropractic has been found effective in helping boost the immune system. According to ​The Chiropractic Journal ​published in 1989​​chief of cancer prevention research at New York’s Preventive Medicine Institute and professor of medicine at New York University Ronald Pero Ph.D. found out in his three-year initial study that patients who received chiropractic care have 200% greater immune competence compared to patients who did not.

In 1991, Patricia Brenna Ph.D. also proved the positive effects of chiropractic on the immune system when her study revealed that patients who received chiropractic manipulation in the thoracic region have higher white blood cell response in the first 15 minutes.

In this time of the pandemic, people are advised to boost their immune system to protect the body against foreign invaders. Chiropractic certainly aids in the nervous system so the immune system can function properly especially during the COVID-19 pandemic. As a matter of fact, chiropractic has already been found beneficial during the 1918 flu pandemic. Studies show that 50 medical doctors were able to treat 4,953 cases, with 274 deaths in Davenport, Iowa while 150 chiropractors from Palmer School of Chiropractic were able to treat 1,635 cases with one death in the same city.

While chiropractic can be an excellent help in boosting the immune system, people should remember that prevention is always better than cure. It means that you do not need to wait for sickness before you start receiving chiropractic care. With a proper diet and healthy lifestyle, receiving chiropractic care soon can definitely keep you away from diseases, infections, and other sicknesses.