
How Vitamin D protects you from COVID-19

Humans need different kinds of vitamins to sustain a healthy life. While your body only requires tiny amounts of them, failure to get these vitamins can attract diseases. One of the vitamins that serve a significant role, not only in strengthening bones but also in bolstering the immune
system, is Vitamin D.

During the pandemic, people are advised to boost their immune systems to fight COVID-19. Thus, being low on Vitamin D can increase the risks of acquiring the virus. Researchers around the world have linked Vitamin D deficit patients to their susceptibility to the coronavirus disease. In a study done by researchers of Ticino in Switzerland, they revealed, “The most vulnerable group of population for COVID–19 is also the one that has the most deficit in Vitamin D.”

The human body can produce Vitamin D from sun exposure, however, the lockdown has prohibited people from going out. This means sun exposure has become minimal for everyone. Fortunately, some food and supplements help in providing a sufficient dose of the nutrient.

The US Institute of Medicine suggests 400–800 IU of Vitamin D for 97.5% of individuals daily. A big source of Vitamin D comes from fish including salmon, herring, and sardines. The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Food Composition Database suggests that 3.5 ounces of farmed salmon can already provide 525 IU of Vitamin D. Fresh herring can provide 216 IU while sardines can provide 177 IU.

Other kinds of food that also provide Vitamin D are egg yolks, mushrooms, and fortified food.

Researchers of Ticino also believe that Vitamin D supplementation can protect people against COVID-19 infection. There are different kinds of supplements like chewable tablets, liquids, and sprays. People can choose their supplements according to their preferences and medical needs.

It is necessary to look after your health, especially with the dangers of COVID-19. Although it is a challenge to avoid sickness in the time of a pandemic, boosting your immune system through Vitamin D intake can definitely safeguard you against different diseases.

As a health & wellness expert it is my duty to share this valuable information. Every small step helps in creating a strong immune system so your body can defeat pesky invaders like virus & bacteria. Getting enough Vitamin D is a crucial step 1st step in that process.