
What is Bio-zapper Therapy?

According to the Canadian naturopath and author of “Cure of All Diseases” Hulda Clark, all diseases in the body are caused by parasites or toxins that can potentially weaken the immune system. Clark, who studied parasites for almost all of her life, claimed that intestinal parasites cause cancer, diabetes, Alzheimer’s, and AIDS when combined with solvent or alcohol. In some studies, an average male body is believed to carry approximately two pounds of parasites lurking around.

In her lifelong research about parasites, Clark was able to find a solution to get rid of them through her innovation of the ‘zapper’. The electrical device is created to kill the parasites by reversing their polarity. Since the parasites are positively charged, negatively charged ions destroy them.

In 1995, Clark’s zapper innovation inspired the Bio-Zapper, which produces different levels of frequencies depending on what the patient needs to destroy the harmful microorganisms. The lower the frequency, the deeper it penetrates the cavities.

The Bio-zapper Therapy is done by equipping the patients with two handles called “paddles”. The paddles will start to vibrate, and it can last for about 20 minutes depending on the patient’s condition. Once the body experiences the zapping regularly, vitamins and minerals will also be fully absorbed by the body instead of unconsciously sharing them with the parasites.

There are many benefits people can get from the Bio-zapper. Using Bio-zapper can increase resistance to common colds. It can also act more efficiently than antibiotics. Patients can even expect their organs to be purified. On top of those things, zapping can kill cancer cells in the body.

Unfortunately, Bio-zapper is not for everyone. People with metals installed in their bodies should not use the device. ​According to Richter Alternative Medical Center Phils.​, patients with pacemakers, defibrillators, and the like are prohibited from using the Bio-zapper. Pregnant women are also not allowed to experience the zapping.

As a health & wellness expert, I have made it my life’s mission to educate the masses on the most powerful ways to improve one’s health. Biozap therapy has proven effective with noticeable improved live blood analysis post biozap therapy. I highly recommend it.