
Bacteria does a body good?

People mistakenly thought that bacteria are always harmful to one’s health. Throughout the years, the idea of good and bad bacteria has cleared out this misconception and introduced the benefits of having the right balance between the two. Studies show that the right balance in the body is composed of 85% good bacteria and 15% bad bacteria. This simply means that more good bacteria should be available to eliminate extra bad bacteria, especially when infection occurs. 

The best and most popular good bacteria are probiotics. Probiotics are live microorganisms naturally residing in and on the body. They are beneficial for everyone’s health, mainly in the digestive system. When these good bacteria get flushed out of the system, eating probiotic food or taking probiotic supplements can fix the equilibrium. 

There are two common types of probiotics found in food items: lactobacillus and bifidobacterium. Lactobacillus is a friendly type of bacteria found in yogurt, other fermented food, and supplements. Different strains probiotics help alleviate different health problems. Lactobacillus acidophilus benefits the body in many ways including preventing diarrhea, reducing cholesterol, promoting weight loss, and many more. On the other hand, lactobacillus bulgaricus can have a positive effect on people with liver disease, common cold, and inflammatory bowel disease. The probiotic bifidobacterium is also a good kind of bacteria that can be found in dairy products. It helps ease gut problems and has shown positive effects on illnesses. Bifidobacterium bifidum has recently gained attention for its ability to restore intestinal bacteria after chemotherapy and treat constipation, lung infection, and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) among others. Another kind of bifidobacterium is the multifunctional probiotic bifidobacterium longum. Apart from easing gastrointestinal diseases, studies also show that it can improve immune dysfunction. 

Probiotics are essential in keeping bad bacteria and germs at bay. They are proven to aid digest food, get rid of diseases, and produce vitamins. In cases that food sources mentioned above are unavailable, probiotic supplements are the best alternative to easily and quickly acquire its benefits. 

Supplementing with probiotics is a great way to enhance all the benefits of healthy bacteria in the gut. I highly recommend finding a quality probiotic & adding this to your daily supplemental routine.